Community Food Hub

Bridport Food Matters is seeking a venue in the town centre to host our community food hub, Nourish. This space will encompass core provisions, bringing together a number of existing initiatives with some new ones.

We expect that Nourish will host a pay-it-forward, or sometimes subsidised community cafe, Waste Not Want Not, a wholesale food refill shop, a place to buy local produce outside of market days and food workshops and growing space.

Nourish will also be a focus for information exchange – about sourcing, growing, buying and cooking local produce and good-value, high-quality, healthy food; about climate resilience resources and support; and about other community groups, support and services. This will run alongside the BFM website and newsletter.

This hub will focus on food security and sustainability – the pressing concerns of the economy and rising cost of living, the need for good health, and environment and climate change. The vision is that food is at the centre of the community cohesion and will help build our town’s resilience. Nourish will be a space open to all.

Read BFM’s Aims and Objectives in detail here.

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