Edible Bridport

Edible Bridport, previously known as We Dig No Dig, is a Bridport Food Matters (BFM) project supporting the development of veg growing sites around town. Growing vegetables that are freely available to everyone is a way to build community resilience in the face of economic and environmental challenges.

Pick veg for free!
The low maintenance beds are managed by a group of volunteers and are located:

  • On the path next to the Medical Centre
  • Foundry Lane in a private garden, veg will be hung on the railings for anyone to take
  • Bus Station – four new planters installed May 2024
  • South Street – outside Naturalife, a planter with mediterranean herbs will be arriving summer 2024

Volunteer with us
Edible Bridport is looking to increase production of organic veg and build a bigger team of volunteers to manage and water the planters and facilitate shared lunches. If you would like to get involved, please email wedignodig@yahoo.com and look for updates on the BFM Instagram and Facebook pages.

About Edible Bridport
BFM ambassadors Rachel Milson and Julie Penfold were successful in securing funding to start this project from the Wessex Water Community Fund. Inspired by Incredible Edible, an international network started by two friends in Todmorden, West Yorkshire to address food poverty and foster community resilience and cohesion in the face of economic and climate shocks.

The No-Dig method

Rachel and Julie said: “We grow veg using the No-Dig method in order to increase crop yields, maintain soil structure and the soil-life web and reduce carbon emissions.” This means mulching the soil with compost every year and disturbing the soil as little as possible, as demonstrated by Charles Dowding, a pioneering organic grower.

Central to the project is the creation of a demonstration site to support efficient compost-making across Bridport making use of local waste materials.

Photo credit: Pete Millson